Up to date news on the happenings in Eddystone, PA. For such a small town, there's always BIG drama...inside and outside Borough Council Chambers.

Eddystone shows its best during a difficult week

From the police officers who ran through the emblazoned apartment building, to the volunteers now organizing efforts at Lighthouse Hall, Eddystone showed how wonderful a town it can be.  Lest we forget the volunteer fire fighters who arrived on scene and ensured the safety of all of the residents in and around the building.  These volunteers risked their lives for their neighbors.  Thankfully, everyone was okay.  The town came together, helped each other, and showed what can happen with strength, resolve, and a common goal.  I am glad that everyone affected is okay and that we are all on the long path of getting life in order. 

I would bet that everyone, from the victims to the volunteers, on some level feel warmth in their hearts because of the kindness that came in response to this tragedy.  It is impossible to look at all of the efforts of people trying to help other people and not feel a glimmer of happiness and hope.
So...Why does it take a tragedy for people to act civil to each other?  Why does it take a tragedy for there to be a common purpose amongst neighbors? As life gets back to normal, because even after the worst of tragedies, that is what happens, I sure do hope that the neighbors we have entrusted to lead our Borough, as well as the people whom so often are upset with those neighbors elected to lead, find a common ground to help our Borough.

If we can do it during a tragedy, then we can do it every other day.  It is a choice that we make.

Happy Valentine's Day!