Up to date news on the happenings in Eddystone, PA. For such a small town, there's always BIG drama...inside and outside Borough Council Chambers.

Shots fired just across 9th Street Bridge

A little after 10 pm last night, approximately 30 rounds were fired in Chester on Elsinore Street, the first street over the 9th Street Bridge.  At least one person was injured.  It seems like these incidents in Chester are getting closer and closer to Eddystone.

We need leaders who can work collaboratively with neighboring communities to ensure our children and our families stay safe.  Chester has leaders like Pileggi-R in the Senate, Kirkland-D in the house, Linder-D in the Mayor’s office, Butler-R (the former Mayor), and a host of others who are trying to correct the mistakes of their predecessors. While some in our community may just want to make negative comments about Chester and its residents, the simple fact remains that our community neighbors Chester and needs to have a legitimate plan in place to ensure people stay safe.  What is the Mayor, who is in charge of the police department, doing to ensure we are safe?

Walmart consumes at least 25% of our police force’s time.  Our police officers cannot keep us safe when they are dealing with shoplifting issues.  Why hasn’t an agreement been forged with Walmart so that both the industry and the residents are equally protected?  This leadership continues to offer Walmart variances for their pet projects; what is the community getting back in return?

Why does the Mayor, who is in charge of the police department, settle for donations to his pet project, the WIN Committee, when we need more of a police presence to protect our community?  We need leaders like Kelly Butkus, who will stand up to protect our town and who cannot be won over with donated hot dogs for WIN Committee events.

Get to the Council meeting Monday night at 7 PM and let Orr and the Council knows that our community wants more than hot dogs.  We want members of Council who have the courage to fight for us, the knowledge to know what to fight for, and the forward thinking to have a plan in place to keep Eddystone safe.