Up to date news on the happenings in Eddystone, PA. For such a small town, there's always BIG drama...inside and outside Borough Council Chambers.

REPOST: Obama, Democrats practically sweep Eddystone: Is Orr secretly the Democratic Party Chairman?

Some have mentioned that they are having trouble viewing the blog. Here is last night's posting.
Looking at the results from Eddystone, every Democrat on the ballot defeated their Republican opponent, with the exception of State Senator Dominic Pileggi, who won his contest by less than 100 votes.

Since Ralph Orr has taken over as the local Republican Party Chairman, Democrats running for State or National positions continue to dominate the polls in Eddystone. Democrats have won these elections despite the fact that there is no leader of the Democratic Party in Eddystone and no known organization rallying their vote.

It would appear, at least based on the election results of 2008, 2010, and 2012 that Orr would better be titled the Democratic Party Chairman, as he has taken the once predictable Republican voting block and turned it into a predictable Democratic block. In each of those State and National elections, Democrats have won more votes in our Borough than their Republican opponents.

Clearly, this should be concerning information for Delaware County’s Republican Party leaders. Simply stated, Orr seems to lack the leadership ability to rally people behind his cause.







U.S. House:



State Senate:



State House of Representatives:



Congratulations to all of the winners. More commentary to follow soon.